Sushi rice in a seasoned tofu pouch...great for a picnic
Double-lid donabe rice cooker, "Kamado-san" (3 rice-cup size)
20 pieces
- 20 small (or 10 large rectangular-size) fried tofu pouch ("abura-age")
- 1.5 cups (360 ml) dashi stock
- 2 tablespoon sake
- 2 tablespoons mirin
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 3 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 rice cups (360 ml) short grain rice, rinsed and drained
- 1.5 cups (360 ml) minus 2 tablespoons water
- 2 tablespoons sake
- 1 piece (2" x 2" or 5 cm x 5 cm) dry kelp ("dashi kombu")
- 2 tablespoons, roasted white sesame seeds
- some minced yuzu citrus rind (optional)
vinegar seasoning – "sushi su"
- 3 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon brown rice vinegar
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Some pickled ginger ("gari shoga")
- Slice one side of each "abura-age" and carefully open with fingers to make a pouch. Be careful not to break the "abura-age". *If you are using the large rectangular "abura-age", cut each piece crosswise and carefully open from the cut side to make a pouch.
- Blanch the "abura-age" in the boiling water in a pot for 30 seconds or so. Drain and gently squeeze out excess moisture from each "abura-age".
- In a pot, combine the dashi stock, sake, mirin, sugar and soy sauce. Add the "abura-age" and set over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil and reduce down the heat to simmer.
- Put a drop-lid ("otoshibuta") and simmer until the broth is reduced down less than 1/4 (about 25 minutes). *Smaller size pot lid or a piece of aluminum foil can be substituted for "otoshibuta".
- Remove the pot from the heat and set aside.
- In "Kamado-san",combine the rice with the water and sake, and put the dashi konbu on top of the rice. Soak the rice in liquid for 20 minutes.
- Cover "Kamado-san" with both lids and cook over medium-high heat for 13-15 minutes, or until 2 minutes after the steam starts puffing out of the top lid.
- Turn off the heat and let it stand for 20 minutes.
- Meanwhile, combine the ingredients for the "sushi su" and mix until the sugar and salt are dissolved. (You can heat the mixture in microwave for 25-30 seconds first to make it easier to dissolve.)
- Uncover "Kamado-san" and add the "sushi su" to the rice and quickly fluff with a rice paddle. Add the roasted sesame seeds and minced yuzu rind (optional). Gently fluff again.
- Divide the rice mixture into 20 portions. By using a spoon, take each portion of the rice and stuff into a seasoned "abura-age" pouch carefully.
- Serve warm or at a room temperature with some "gari shoga" on the side.

Rice stuffing variation: Seasoned lotus root and edamame.
About the measurements used in our recipes
For rice measurement, traditional Japanese rice measurement is used.
- 1 rice-cup = 3/4 US cup = 180 ml
Other conversions (US to metric measures)
1 cup = 240 ml1
inch (1") = 2.5 cm
1 ounce (1 oz) = 30 ml